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MEDOWS International Tax serves individuals and businesses who have international tax obligations. We work with Americans overseas and foreigners in the United States.

US citizens are required to report their worldwide income to the IRS,even if they are wholly resident outside the United States. Likewise, US corporations are required to report their worldwide income.

To learn more about how we help individuals and businesses identify and comply with their international tax obligations please visit our International Tax Compliance page.

The complexity and volume of international tax obligations often leave taxpayers non-compliant–through no fault of their own. The IRS imposes significant fines and penalties for non-compliance and taxpayers who fail to identify and resolve these issues may have to pay significant amounts of money,  in addition to their taxes.  In many cases, with good advice and using our experts, these costs may be significantly reduced or eliminated completely.

To learn more about how we help individuals and businesses resolve tax disputes and regulate non-compliance please visit our International Tax Controversy page.

International tax planning can provide opportunities for taxpayers to reduce, manage or defer their tax obligations. With decades of experience behind them and careful consideration of the circumstances and facts of each case, the MEDOWS International Tax Team works closely with our clients to identify such opportunities.

To learn more about how we help individuals and businesses plan their international tax affairs to maximize their tax benefits please visit our International Tax Planning page.

We have developed sector focus in the following areas:

  • Expertise dealing with American expats and businesses in the United Kingdom and with UK e-pats and businesses coming to the US. To learn more about how we can help American and British individuals and businesses please visit our US-UK Tax Specialization page.
  •  Assisting American businesses complying with overseas value added tax (VAT) obligations and reclaiming refunds due.
  •  Advising foreign businesses in the US about state and local tax (SALT) requirements and sales tax obligations.
  • Advising foreign investors in US property and real estate.

Whatever your needs, we here to help. Contact us and we will respond promptly.